
A Journal written by a Woman in her 30's that is living each day the best she can in the year 2010.

I don't care what people think about me and even is they agree or disagree with my thoughts in this journal. But I do believe these thoughts should be discussed, and research. DO NOT take my word for it.

Favorite Quotation: I have an open mind that anything is possible. It does not mean I believe in everything.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010 - Waking Up, A Human Experience

You're tootling along, you think you have a pretty good bead on things, but somethings not right somewhere, something just doesn't add up. Something.... is about to change.

It's like a constant annoying drone or a splinter too small to pick out easily. The world is out of joint but you cannot seem to put your finger on exactly what it is that's bothering you. Its fairly easy to ignore, so you do. For a while.

The thing about systems crumbling is that tiny bits begin to fall off at first. These tiny bits are very easy to dismiss, as in, 'There's more homeless people downtown than I remember seeing last year,' then you put your pedal to the metal and drive on. You see prices beginning to rise in the shops because your currency is buying less and less every season, but the head of state is on the box saying the economy is fine and things are only getting better, so you change the channel. Then, larger chunks begin to break off—someone you actually know gets laid off or loses their house or gets arrested on a charge completely out of proportion to the offense they allegedly committed and it all seems to be a bit more personal and closer to home.

Then one day it reaches a critical mass. Someone or something brings the truth home to you—and you immediately shut down. It's too horrible to think about but still, despite all the mental evasions, the rationalising, the justifications, you inexorably find yourself moving to...


Some are enraged at the one with the new view of reality. They tend to vehemently demonise the people who are actively engaged in seeking truth as a group of tinhats, liberals, crazy people, idiots. They cling to the status quo they have become accustomed to but... something has shifted in their lives at a molecular level. The new view isn't comfortable, but they find they are no longer at ease with the reality they hate to give up, either. It doesn't feel like home to be there anymore.

They now have two options; stay angry at the people with the new view of reality or move on to feel anger at the people in power.

Loads of people who are angry at the people in power get stuck there. They are the ones most frequently bitching away on blogs and forums—griping, moaning, shit-stirring—yet never actually doing anything but endlessly rehashing the problem. Once in a while, a few make it out and generally find themselves at


People self-medicate or commit suicide or bore the socks off people at parties who generally arent ready to have their world rocked. People in despair sometimes find it's useless to trumpet their beliefs to all and sundry because they suspect nobody's really listening anyway.

We are all assaulted on a daily basis by entities willing to spend vast sums of money and effort to capture and keep our attention; from the major media, to organised religion, to every commercial enterprise you can think of. There's no point in competing with them, yet if someone asks what you think and believe about the world, answer as simply and as truthfully as you can. You cannot convince anyone to accept at face value what you know, you can only point them in the direction where they can discover the truth for themselves, and you accomplish this most effectively by the example of how you live your own life.

Despair is a very lonely stage. Many people never move beyond it. The ones who do find themselves washed up on the shore of

Doing Something

You are a living, breathing soul; this makes you powerful. So, break the pattern of history—don't wait around to be told what to do, or where to stand or how to think. Don't wait on others with empty promises to do it for you. It's up to you to claim the power to change your own destiny.

For anyone considering their next move I would recommend that you must be willing to risk everything you possess. I am not saying that price will be extracted from you at the end—but you should be prepared for it to be. You must get yourself into the mindset of 'I am willing to risk everything for what I most desire.'

The world is what we make it, one individual at a time. I want to add to the sum total of beauty in it. A little at a time, if that's all I can manage to accomplish. I decided a long time ago that I would be doing that anyway no matter what else was going on.

and finally...

Wake up. Create as you go. Keep on your toes. Fly by the seat of your pants. Don't forget to breathe. Be happy anyway.
Most of all, remember you're in it for the adventure.

- HEO ©2009
Source: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAntiTerrorist

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