
A Journal written by a Woman in her 30's that is living each day the best she can in the year 2010.

I don't care what people think about me and even is they agree or disagree with my thoughts in this journal. But I do believe these thoughts should be discussed, and research. DO NOT take my word for it.

Favorite Quotation: I have an open mind that anything is possible. It does not mean I believe in everything.

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 26, 2010 - Through the eyes of a Slave...

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhDg41YF3oA
- I highly suggest you watch this film online.

The text below comes directly from the film:

Through the eyes of a Slave...
We are many.
And they are few.

For centuries, this union of the Vatican, the Zionist financiers and the German British monarchy have molded the illusion of what we call 'reality'. They connect as a secret society, steeped in anicent Egyptian culture, that believes Civilization exists to serve them.

Now, as always, fear is their method of control; fear of poverty, fear of terrorism, fear of authority...

Fear of not being like everybody else.

They control the money you owe, the media you absorb, the food you eat and the very air you breathe.

They are our Controllers...

And we are their slaves.

We are the slaves that toil so they can live in luxury. We are the slaves that die in the boardroom deals also known as 'wars'. We are the slaves that closed our eyes and pretended to be free.

The Four Agendas:
1. Complete ownership of every living thing on this Earth.
2. To repress the intellectual and spiritual evolvement of the Human Race.
3. To cull the Human herd by 500 million.
4. The genocide of all non-white races, followed by the genocide/enslavement of remaining white races.

From Native Americans and Aborginal Australians, to Latin America and South East Asia - the eradication of all indigenous races is a prime objective for the Controllers. Africa - where we all began - is not a nation...

It is a concentration camp.

Now that the Third World has been conquered, the Fourth World is next. As for the mystery that is China, their role will soon be revealed.

The Controllers, and the endless list of cowards, murderers, paedophiles and traitors that support them, have worked hard over the years.

They have kept us sedated and docile. They have kept us weak by gradually removing every right we have as free human beings.

They have instigated needless wars, infected us from multiple sources and engineered poverty to slow our progress.

We have been conditioned to fear, accept and respect our slavery through social engineering, a bombardment of useless distractions and mass mind-control. What are they trying to distract us from?

Realize that they don't care about us. They are aware of the pain, suffering, misery and horror that their lust for power has caused. Every living thing on this planet has a right to live here in freedom.

Every living thing.

How many know that energy could be free to all? That there is no need for oil! That there is enough food and land for everybody!

That naturally - grown plants could end the pharmaceutical industry.

That the money we work for doesn't actually exist!

They have conditioned us to believe that we need them, when the truth is...
They need us.

The machine is kept running by the very people who are enslaved by it.
To disconnect the machine, we must first disconnect ourselves.

Many of us slaves are aware of the Truth. Many have made great sacrifices for the better good.

We move among the masses, and against the Controllers.
We are Awake.
We are The Resistance.

No Violence -

Be wary of those who tell you that freedom lies at the end of a gun.
These are the old ways.

A raging fire cannot be extinguished by more fire.

Love & Unity
Are the only weapons we need.

Pay no heed to the fear-mongers and their deceit. They feed on your fear in more ways than you can imagine.

Shed your Fear...
And you shed your chains.

They fear our potential. They dread the day we discover how powerful we really are. They dread the day we discover WHO we really are.

Our race is like a abused child raised in an environment of greed, corruption, lies and violence. It is all we know, but it is not too late to change. We have a chance to make a final stand. Lets ours be the generation that breaks this ancient cycle of tyranny, so our children may advance in peace and harmony.

This is about standing for something worth dying for...

Are you ready?


The Global Truth Alliance
Organise - Inform - Prepare - Resist

The Global Truth Alliance is an attempt to bring all aspects of the Truth Movement together. In time, it is hoped that the GTA will become a publicly known, and trusted, organisation.

Are You Ready?


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010 - The Sims FREE WILL and Population Thought

My January 5, 2010 Thoughts of the Day
- Modifed on January 8, 2010

I own the PC games Sims 2 with all the expansion and stuff packs and Sims 3 which I love to play for hours at a time.

Sometimes in my real life I feel like I'm living in a Sims Game where at times I'm allowed to have FREE WILL on and at other times it feels like somebody is controling me. I have had dreams and nightmares that I was living in a Sims world where good and bad stuff was happening to me and to the people around me. Would it be sick if Mankind on this planet Earth wake up to find that their were merely pawns/slaves/Sims in game played by other living beings unlike their own. Can you imagine what Mankind would do to these other worldly living beings? I know if I was one of these living beings at this moment in time I would be really, really scared.

Why? Because of our population. There will be to many of us to control just like there is when we the Humans play the Sims in the PC game. They wouldn't be able to handle us all at the same time if we would come together and fight them as one big force. I would think we would be able to wipe these worldly living beings out?

Disturbing Clip:
Population Reduction after economic collapse

Written by (C) 2010 Mary D on January 5, 2010
My thoughts of each day of 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3, 2010 - WAKE UP!

My January 3, 2010 Thoughts of the Day
- Modifed on January 4, 2010

Wake Up People! Our goverments are not our parents. If you don't like whats going on, than get up off your ass and research your rights, and act on them before
you loose them. I'm sick and tired listening to people who complain about their goverment is treating them like a Child. What do you expect? When people demanding endless laws to be pass by their Goverment because people couldn't take care of themselves and figure out how to settle disputes on their own. We have so many stupid laws on the books that everyone is gulity of breaking untold many.

Written by (C) 2010 Mary D on January 4, 2010
My thoughts of each day of 2010